What to Write in a Religious Christmas Card
Christmas is the celebration of the birthday of Christ, and many people acknowledge it as a Christian holiday. Christmas is an opportunity to spread the good news. Use the following inspirational messages to express something meaningful.
- Happy Birthday Jesus!
- I'm excited to be able to wish you a merry Christmas. I'm feeling blessed for the gift that I've been given by our Lord.
- He is our everlasting reason for celebration. I hope your Christmas is filled with the joy that He offers.
- Christmas is a holiday that reminds us of the greatest gift ever given to humanity.
- Even if it wasn't Christmas, Jesus deserves a celebration. Every day is Christmas for Christians.
- Let us light up Christmas with the light that shines brightly in our hearts.
- Let your heart be filled with joy, peace, and love. These are the gifts offered to us by our Lord who was born on the original Christmas day.
- This Christmas card celebrates the most important birthday of all time. It is by His birth that we are able to be born again into the kingdom of heaven.
- The light of our savior shines brightly at Christmas for all the world to see.
- Christmas is the most important birthday anyone will celebrate throughout the year. There is a reason it’s the biggest and most anticipated birthday, year after year.
- We have all been blessed by the original Christmas gift from our Lord.
- Death and evil are no match for love, which is proven by the Christmas story.
- The Christ child of a virgin mother has been born. Spread the good news!
- I hope you feel blessed by our generous and loving father this Christmas.
- He came to the Earth as a gift for us all, so we continue to give gifts each year to honor Him.
- The Lord sent his only son so that anyone who believes in Him will not have to die but can live forever.
- He is the reason for every season and celebration, because without Him there is no hope. Merry Christmas!
- Christmas marks the beginning of the hope of salvation. Our savior was born!
- Jesus is the brightest Christmas light. Jesus is the only light that will never burn out or be unplugged.
- Christmas is the best example of great things coming in small packages. The best gift the world was ever given came in the form of a little baby.
- Christmas is the ultimate beginning of a ‘good guy’ versus ‘bad guy’ story.
- Christmas begins the story, and Easter finishes it.
- There is no greater love than the love that God showed us when He gave His only son.
- Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your family!
- 'Noel, peace on earth and in the heavens.' May the gift of Christ shine as a bright star in the cold winter’s night.
- I wonder what it was like for our Lord to be born into this world as a child? He knows what it is like to be human. One day, we will get to know what it is like to live in heaven.
- Love was born on Christmas morn in a humble stable. He's still humble enough to love us all.
- The Lord came to Earth as a baby boy. The gift of Christmas was flesh and blood.
- He's the reason for any season.
- Peace and blessings from above to your home this Christmas!
- In the cold of winter may your heart be warmed with God's love.
- The Lord brings hope to all. He's the universal gift.
- You are loved by our Lord up above. Jesus came for all of us.
- We all start out as babies. Even the Lord came as an unassuming baby. May Christmas bring you great things in small packages.