Pet Sympathy Messages
What to Write in a Pet Sympathy Card
When a pet dies, it can hurt just as much as when a person dies. The reason for this is that people can form strong relationships with their pets, and the feelings of loss for that relationships create a need to grieve. The loss of a pet is just like the loss of a family member or friend.
Use these examples of pet sympathy messages to show your condolences when someone loses a pet. Make the message as personal as you can and mention some positives about the pet in addition to one of the following.
Use these examples of pet sympathy messages to show your condolences when someone loses a pet. Make the message as personal as you can and mention some positives about the pet in addition to one of the following.
- There will never be another _____ like _____. He/she was an awesome pet that I always enjoyed being around when I was hanging out at your place. He/she was one of a kind. I am sorry for your loss.
- I know how much it can hurt when you lose a pet. Pets can provide you with friendship, fun, and entertainment. I am sorry for your loss.
- Dogs truly are man’s best friend. I am sincerely sorry for the loss of your best friend.
- A lot of people may not realize how big of a deal it is when a dog dies. If they have owned a really cool dog like yours, then they would know it is a big deal. I am sorry for your significant loss.
- I am sorry to hear that your pet has died. If you start to feel lonely and want that sound of barking in your house again, you can take my pain in the butt dog off my hands.
- I am sorry to hear that the cute and furry member of your family has passed away. He/she will remain in our memories as a good dog/cat and a very loved and missed friend and family member.
- I am sorry you found your fish floating upside down. I hope his burial at sea in the toilet went smoothly. I also hope he has a nice trip to his next life in the city sewer system.
- Even though I don’t like snakes/spiders, I can understand that you enjoyed your pet. I am sorry for the loss of enjoyment you must be experiencing. One good thing is that I can come over to your house now without being freaked out.
- If dogs do go to heaven, I am sure your dog will be waiting there for you. He/she was a good dog.
- I am sorry that you lost your furry friend. He/she was an adorable sweetheart. My condolences to you and your family!
- I am sorry you lost your pet. Since I know you will be missing him/her, I will be calling you soon to check on you to see how you are doing. We should get together soon.
- I know you had a special relationship with ____. I enjoyed hearing all your fun stories too. Sorry for your loss.
- Pets hold special places in our hearts. I am sorry for the loss of yours.
- I know how special ____ was to you. I am sorry for the loss of your friend.
- Please let me extend my condolences for the loss of your beautiful _____.
- Somehow, pets know how to love us unconditionally even when other people can't. I am sorry that you have lost such a special friend.
Funny Pet Sympathy Messages
Use your discernment when deciding between a serious and a funny message. Some people may not appreciate the humor or they may not have a sense of humor in their time of loss.
- If you are missing your pet, I want you to know that you can borrow my ___ any time you need some company.
- It's too bad pets don't outlive their owners more often. They deserve more time on earth. The only problem is that our pets love us too much to cope with our death.
- I'm sorry your pet died. I think it's time to clone your perfect pet.
- The very pet that could comfort you right now is the one you are missing. That is a tragic irony.
- Next time we get together, I'll let you walk me and feed me, and then I'll pee on your floor. That way I can fill in for ___.
Pet Sympathy Messages for Loss of a Dog
These are examples of what to write if someone you know loses a dog:
- Dogs seem to be made to be human companions, and ___ seemed to be made especially for you. I am sorry for your loss.
- Sometimes dogs become members and mascots of the family. I am sorry for the loss of your really cool family member and mascot.
- I know that you have a lot of fun memories with ___. I hope those memories will comfort you.
- When I think about your dog, I feel sad that he/she is gone. I enjoyed your dog as I know you did also. I am sorry for our loss.
- No one can understand the relationship someone has with his/her own dog. That's because no one can get between a dog and his/her owner.
- One example of life not being fair is the fact that most people outlive their dogs.
Tips for Writing a Sympathy Message
These are some specific tips for writing your message:
- Mention specific things you remember about the person's pet. Keep it positive.
- When mentioning the pet, use the pet's name instead of saying "your pet" or "your fish."
- Include a small gift of comfort. A gift card to got to lunch with you some time is a good example of a way of showing support.
- Mention a specific plan you have to show support such as calling to see how things are going in a few days.
- Mention how well treated and cared for the pet was. Saying something like, "I don't know who was luckier, you for having such a great dog or fido for having such a great owner," is an example.
- Use humor with tact. Never make fun of the loss or the grief the person is experiencing.