Job Loss Sympathy Messages
What to Write to Someone Who Lost a Job
Losing a job can be a real significant loss. Any significant loss is an occasion that warrants a sympathy card. The problem can be knowing what to write. When a loss of a job happens, use your words to instill hope. Jobs are not permanent, and there are other options. Help the person see new possibilities and opportunities.
Use the following examples to help you figure out how to encourage the person who was fired or "downsized." Think about the specific situation and person as you edit one of these.
Use the following examples to help you figure out how to encourage the person who was fired or "downsized." Think about the specific situation and person as you edit one of these.
- I know that you are a capable and persevering person, so I am confident that you will be successful.
- You deserve better. I hope this event sends you on to even better opportunities.
- Things don't always seem right or fair. Loosing your job is a good example. Over time you may end up better off, and I hope that day comes soon.
- I am shocked that you lost your job so suddenly. I’ll pray that you quickly find a new and better job.
- I’m so sorry about you losing your job. Sometimes when things like this happen, it ends up pushing you toward bigger and better things. I’ll pray that God soon shows you what He has planned for you.
- You deserve better, and now you have a chance to realize your true potential.
- I don’t need to know all the details of why you no longer work with me, but I do want you to know that you will be greatly missed and that I have truly enjoyed working with you.
- I’m sorry you had to quit you job. I know that you enjoyed things about it, but I understand your reasons for leaving. Your character will always be one of your strengths.
- I don't know if anyone will ever understand the poor decision that was made regarding your job.
- All good things must come to an end in order for something even better to begin. Congratulations on your new opportunity to find a new job.
- I have now lost faith in this world now that the one person I thought would never lose their job has lost their job. Sorry for your loss. I am wishing you a lucky break.
- I am sorry you lost your job, but I want to encourage you to remember that God can use you no matter where you are or what you are doing. In a way, you will always have a job working to further God’s kingdom. I will still be praying for a regular job for you.
- Now that you are no longer currently employed, I want to extend a job offer to you. You can work as my own personal assistant any time you want. The pay isn't high, but the company is nice. You can have plenty of hours too. Just let me know when you can start. You can start immediately.
- If time is our most valuable resource, then you have just become rich.
- You might feel upset thinking of yourself as unemployed at the moment. Instead, think of yourself as self employed. You now work for yourself, and your job is to look for a job. Or, you can become an entrepreneur and stay self-employed.
- It's a bummer that you were downsized. Keep your chin up! You can only go up from here, so you'll need to be looking in the direction you are going.
- Sometimes looking at things in the long-term can help with perspective. Losing your job doesn't have to mean you've lost your career.
What to Write to Someone Temporarily off of Work
Being off of work can be stressful, but there are many reasons this might happen. Whether part of the gig economy during a downturn or seasonal work has ended, writing an encouraging message could help sustain someone's spirits during an extended break from work.
- I'm sorry you're between work. I will be on the lookout for any opportunities that might interest you. I will be praying for things to pick up for you soon.
- Please don't let yourself get discouraged. One of these days you'll find the opportunity you've been waiting for. I'll be here to congratulate you when it happens.
- Work can be one of those things that we take for granted until we don't have it. I know that you have always been grateful for what you've had. I know that your attitude will lead you to a blessing.
- I hope this ends up being an opportunity for something great to happen for you. Sometimes we have to go through difficult things and we don't understand why until things change for the better.
- If you even need a good laugh or some encouragement, let me know. I'd love to spend some time with you while you're less busy.