2nd Baby Congratulations Messages
What to Write to Parents of a Second Baby
When someone is having a second child, you can't make jokes abut learning to change diapers. They already have a kid and have taken care of a newborn, so you must approach your message in a different way. You do have an opportunity to write something specifically related to having a second kid.
Having another child does change the dynamics of the family. Two children are at least twice the work, because they interact with each other. The older child will have to adjust to someone else getting more attention. And the whole family will have a new little person to look watch over.
Having another child does change the dynamics of the family. Two children are at least twice the work, because they interact with each other. The older child will have to adjust to someone else getting more attention. And the whole family will have a new little person to look watch over.
2nd Baby Wishes
- The stork must have reckoned that it was time for your second!
- You spread your children out, but some people just get it over with and have two at the same time. They're called twins.
- You proved that you make cute babies with your first one. Now you're just showing off!
- You've had practice with your first child, and I've had practice congratulating you on your first. We're both getting good at what we do!
- Number two sounds like it'll be a lot of fun for you!
- Children are a blessing! I wish you the best. I enjoy seeing how great you are as a parent. Now I get to see you do it all over again.
- What I think of when I think of number two is a lot more diapers full of poo!
- You're on number two, and I'm wondering just how many you will accrue.
- I'm feeling loads of joy as I think about another cute little one.
- You could attribute your first as an accident, but now I'm wondering if you realize where babies come from.
- You doubled the number of children you have. Now that you have two children, you'll have to have two more to double you current amount. I'm thinking you'll need twins next time.
- I will always welcome another little cutie coming from you to say 'hello' to the world. Keep them coming!
- The world needs more amazing parents like you having more amazing kids. Thanks for doing your part.
- Double the love, double the joy! Congrats on your new addition.
- Your family just got a whole lot sweeter with the arrival of your new little one.
- Wishing you all the happiness and love as you welcome your second blessing.
- Your first child is lucky to have such amazing parents, and now your new arrival will get to experience that too. Congratulations!
- May your new baby bring even more joy and laughter to your family.
- Congratulations on the arrival of your second little miracle. Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness.
- Having two kids is a big job, but I know you'll handle it with ease. Congrats on your new bundle of love.
- Your love as a parent just multiplied by two. Congratulations on your new family member.
Funny Baby Card Wishes for the Second Child
- You can no longer say that you have a favorite kid in the whole wide world.
- The best part of having another one is that you get to start another college fund!
- I knew you had at least two in you.
- Having one could be an accident, but you are starting to form a habit.
- I'm sincerely glad you are having a kid. Better you than me!
- As I asked myself what I am congratulating you for, I realized that you produced another live person from just a couple ingredients. That's kind of a big deal, I guess. Did you use the same recipe that you did last time?
- You had practice with the first one, so I expect this one to be perfect.
- You just screwed up everything for your only child. No more getting spoiled! No more not having to share! No more lack of responsibility!
- Sometimes it takes a couple tries before you learn your lesson. We'll see if you have a third.
- You can have two babies. That's fine. If you want three, you'll have to apply for a license and pass a challenging test. Things get exponentially harder with three.